Colorado Antelope Unit Topo Map
Topographical maps are built from the bottom up to provide a traditional Topo look at feel. The maps are projected at 1:80, 100, 120, and 1:160,000 scales based on the unit size. While the projections vary by unit, every unit has the trail and roads systems from the popular USGS 7.5 minute Quad maps. These are great navigation tools!
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Colorado Bear Concentration Map.
Newly designed base Topo Map with enhanced Summer and Fall Bear Concentration Overlays. Also with roads and trails from the USGS 7.5 minute quads.
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Colorado Combo! 3 Elk Maps plus Digital 3D Maps.
Land Ownership, Elk Concentration, and Topo Map. PLUS, 3D Digital Maps for Google Earth, to study during your Office Scouting! The Land Ownership and Elk Concentration Maps are printed on our rugged fabric material, the 3 Map "Hunting Pack" - Land Ownership and Elk Concentration Maps - are the ideal field guide for your hunting group! Click Here to see the Statewide GMU Reference Map. Check out samples of these maps under the Elk Concentration, Land Ownership and Topo Categories.
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Colorado Elk Concentration Maps.
Elk Concentration Maps were invented by HuntData. These maps have been our best sellers over the past 25 years. This year, we updated the styles, enhancing boundaries, clarifying summer, winter, and resident herds, migration routes and adding 7.5-minute roads from the USGS Quad collection. The maps are printed on our rugged map fabric designed to last as long as your hunting memory.
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Colorado Hat Trick, 3 Maps, Land Ownership, Elk Concentration, and Topo
3 Maps at a discount. Get the maps you need to plan where you can hunt and where you should hunt. The land ownership maps identify public lands, the elk maps identify seasonal concentrations and migrations, the topo maps provide a clear layout of the entire unit.
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Colorado Hybrid – Land Use Base Map with Elk Concentrations New Pricing 19.95 – 29.95
Over the years this has been our #1 requested map. This year, we used 5 different software processes to create the Colorado Elk Hybrid Map. This map is built on our NEW Land Ownership Maps. We then overlay a 7.5 minute (Quads) road layer from the USGS, add National Forest Roads, add lakes and streams from the USGS and then add the Colorado Parks and Wildlife summer, winter, and resident herd, migration routes and corridors for elk. For Mule Deer, we add summer and winter concentration areas. This map has it all. Its all printed on our rugged map fabric. The fabric has a translucency that brings the colors and information to life! The is truly the most comprehensive map we've produced in the past 25 years. Click on the small map at left to see a larger sample. Then, scroll to the bottom to order.
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Colorado Land Ownership Unit Maps – Deer, Elk, Antelope
Our brand new Land Ownership Maps built with 2019 land ownership data from the BLM, State of Colorado and other Federal Agencies such as the National Forest. The maps display Public, Private, National Forest, BLM, State, CPW, and Federal Lands. All printed on our rugged fabric material designed to last as long as your hunting memories. Click on the small map to the left to see a large sample. Then scroll to the bottom to read more and order. Click Here to see the Statewide GMU Reference Map.
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Colorado Land Ownership Unit Maps $19.95 – $29.95
Our Land Ownership Maps are built with updated land ownership data from the BLM, State of Colorado and other Federal Agencies such as the National Forest. The maps display Public, Private, National Forest, BLM, State, CPW, and Federal Lands. We transferred the roads and trails from the USGS 7.5-minute maps. A great map to help keep you on public ground. The maps are printed on tear-proof, water resistant paper or choose our rugged, long-lasting fabric.
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Colorado Moose Centerpoint Map
Have you zeroed in on a hunting spot? A Centerpoint Map is what you need! Give us coordinates of your centerpoint and we’ll build a 7.5 minute (1:24,000) map around the map stretching 4 miles in each direction (8 x 8 miles total). We will use the based maps from the USGS 7.5 minute Quad Topo or Satellite series, add unit boundaries and private land. You will end up with the most detailed map available. Type your coordinates in the box below and we’ll build the map. Please note the unit you are hunting in for our build reference. The map will be printed on our rugged tear and water resistant fabric. You will love this map.
Colorado Moose Kill Sites and Concentrations on Land Ownership Map
A vibrant moose unit map with land ownership, kill drainages, kill sites color coded by year, summer and winter concentrations, and migration corridors. Our base land ownership maps vary from 1:60,000 to 1:120,000 depending on the unit size. All of the maps display the roads and trails layer extracted from the USGS 7.5 minute map series. The maps are printed on our rugged tear proof and water resistant fabric that will last as long as your hunting memories!
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Colorado Moose Kill Sites and Concentrations on Satellite Map.
Custom Satellite Images with plotted kill sites color coded by year. Includes unit boundaries, roads and trails from the USGS 7.5 minute maps.
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Colorado Statewide BigGame Digital Map Set
A collection of 3D maps for every unit in Colorado. The Statewide Digital Map set has a 3D version of our printed maps. Land Ownership for every unit, concentration maps for Elk, Deer, Turkey, Antelope, and Bear. Load the maps from the thumb drive and explore your unit and every unit around you. Discover concentration areas you never knew of, trace migration routes, and find resident herds. All in 3D!
Each map has a QR code to load the map into Avenza Maps (free App) on your Smartphone.
There is more. We include a directory on the thumb drive called 'Bonus Google Scout'. In the directory there are Google Earth versions of our concentration information to load directly into Google Earth. Load the unit boundaries then load summer ranges and migration routes. Zoom in and out of Google's great satellite images with new context. Truly, this is one of the best scouting tools for Colorado.