CO Mountain Goat Topo Map


Our Topo Maps display unit boundaries and are built from the ground up at 1:60,000, 1:100,000 and 1:120,000 scales adjusted based on the size of the unit.   All maps include the roads and trails from the popular USGS 7.5 minute Quads and are printed on our tear and water resistant fabric.  When you add the digital maps you get Google Earth 3D images for the Land Ownership, Satellite, and Topo Maps.   These maps all have a QR code you can scan using the Avenza Maps App on your Smartphone.  Plan on the kitchen table, then 3D in Google and on your phone in the woods.  The perfect hunting package.


Our Topo Maps are built from the ground up at 1:60,000, 1:100,000 and 1:120,000 scales adjusted based on the size of the unit. The maps provide a traditional Topographical Map view.

To build the maps, we extracted the roads and trails from the popular USGS 7.5 minute quads and added them to every map with contour lines and the traditional light green vegetation tinting you are accustomed to in a topo map.  We add National Forest, Wilderness, and other public lands outlines including CPW managed properties.

The Topo Maps are printed on our rugged fabric that will last as long as your memories!

Each map has a quick scan QR code that allows you to load the map electronically onto your Smartphone using Avenza’s free GIS mapping App (download from your app store). Poor over the printed maps on your kitchen counter then hit the trail and scout with the map on your Smartphone!

Additional information
Weight N/A
CO_Mountain Goat Printed Map

Unit G1


Unit G2


Unit G3


Unit G4


Unit G5


Unit G6


Unit G7


Unit G8


Unit G9


Unit G10


Unit G11


Unit G12


Unit G14


Unit G15


Unit G16


Unit G17


Just the Printed Map (+$29.95)


Add the 3D Collection for all 3 maps (+$49.95)

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